Description: This animated video introduces a character named Tim and his advisor with illustrated graphics to show how market volatility can impact your imvestments and how to manage it.
Text: Ask an advisor” appears. The camera zooms out as the text lands in an outlined square. “How does market volatility affect my investments?” fades in below. An illustration of a bar graph draws on the right side of the frame.
Tim: There seems to be lots of ups and downs in the markets these days. What’s that mean for my investments?
Description: Tim and his advisor stand on a bridge in front of a body of water and hold coffee cups. The illustration zooms in on Tim, then on the advisor.
Advisor: Some market volatility is the sign of a normal, healthy market.
Description: A graphic titled Historical Returns appears on screen and draws the S&P/TSX composite total return index between 2004 and 2008.
Advisor: I know big declines in the market can make you question your investment plan.
Description: The graph expands to a falling market around 2009, then an improvement in the market until 2014.
Advisor: But, history has shown that when the market does fall, it eventually comes back even stronger.
Description: The graph flips over a smaller graph titled Retirement. It shows growth between 1% and 3% over a period of time.
Advisor: And that can be good for your investments in the long run.
Description: Screen transitions to a shot of Tim talking.
Tim: Are there things I can do to prepare for volatility?
Description: Screen transitions to a shot of the advisor talking and showing Tim the screen of her phone.
Advisor: There are – some you’re already doing.
Description: The rectangles appear on screen one on top of the other with the text, Investment plan, Long-term goals and Investment risk.
Advisor: Like having an investment plan. Staying focused on your long-term goals. And understanding your tolerance for investment risk.
Description: Screen returns to Tim and the Advisor standing on the bridge.
Advisor: Let’s talk about other strategies to help you manage market volatility.
Description: Text – Let’s talk. Contact me today appears onscreen with the legal line: “Video produced by Canada Life. 1 888 252-1847."